ইংরেজি ভাষায় ভাষান্তরিত বিনয় মজুমদারের দুটি কবিতা । বুদ্ধদেব বসু
কী উৎফুল্ল আশা নিয়ে সকালে জেগেছি সবিনয়ে
With what glad hopes I gently rose this morning.
Radiance of you, preserved like meat in cans
Had illumined the future and far horizon.
In panic i’d thought of sociable tea,
Of taking tha air, of winds on mountain heights.
Imaginary like an optical illusion
You seem to be with no address, or perhapes dead, defunct,
Or have you abandoned me like an unlawful son?
I think of life, hair won’t spout again
On the skin when the wound is healed. In sad reflections
My feeling lie at rest like at night,
As though just released from hospital.
But sometimes, unknowingly like a sleeping boy’s urine,
In wrong places, my feelings will flow.
[ Translated by Buddhadeb Basu ]
অভিজ্ঞতা থেকে ক্রমে আকাশের বর্ণহীনতার…
Starting from experience I’ve slowly known you
Like news of the colourless sky. It’s because
The air is bluish the sky seems blue by daytime
You hidden in my heart are like the waves
Annulled after the sandy beach has been traced with pictures.
So long I’d thought you too had come to the tryst_
As when transparent clouds race across the moon
We think it’s the moon and not the clouds, in motion.
Now much more I know, and yet remains the effort,
I want you simple, thus things come to bloom.
Seeing the tremors of the limbs of a tree
Have you, like birds, mistaken the tree itself
To be capable of swaying? In your breeze it sways.
[ Translated by Buddhadeb Basu ]